The cost savings of cloud computing in healthcare

Cloud computing has become increasingly popular in the healthcare industry in recent years due to its ability to provide cost savings while improving efficiency and patient care. This article will explore how cloud computing can save healthcare organizations money and give examples of how it has been successfully implemented in the industry.

Cost savings of cloud computing

1. One of the primary ways cloud computing can save healthcare organizations money is by reducing the need for physical infrastructure and IT staff. With traditional IT systems, hospitals and other healthcare facilities must invest in servers, storage devices, and other hardware to store and process data. These systems also require a team of IT professionals to maintain and update them, which can be costly.

Cloud computing allows healthcare organizations to outsource these tasks to a third-party provider, which can significantly reduce the need for in-house IT staff and hardware. This can result in significant cost savings, as the organization only pays for its services and does not have to worry about the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of physical infrastructure.

2. Another way cloud computing can save healthcare organizations money is by reducing the cost of data storage and management. With traditional IT systems, healthcare organizations must purchase and maintain large amounts of storage space to store patient records, images, and other data. This can be expensive and requires ongoing maintenance and updates.

Cloud computing allows healthcare organizations to store data offsite, eliminating the need for on-premises storage solutions. This saves money on hardware and maintenance costs and reduces the risk of data loss due to hardware failures or natural disasters.

3. Cloud computing can also improve the efficiency of healthcare organizations, leading to further cost savings. The cloud enables healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions and provide better care by providing real-time access to patient records and other data. This can help reduce the number of unnecessary tests and procedures, leading to cost savings for the healthcare organization and the patient.

4. Cloud computing can also help healthcare organizations save money by reducing the need for paper records. With traditional IT systems, healthcare organizations must maintain physical records and spend money on paper, ink, and other supplies. By moving to a cloud-based system, healthcare organizations can significantly reduce their reliance on paper records and overall costs.

Numerous examples of healthcare organizations have successfully implemented cloud computing and achieved significant cost savings. For example, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) saved $100 million in the first two years after implementing a cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) system. The organization reduced the IT staff it needed and eliminated the need for physical servers, leading to significant cost savings.

Another example is the Cleveland Clinic, which implemented a cloud-based EHR system in 2013. The organization reduced its IT costs by 30% in the first year after implementation and has seen cost savings in the years since.

In conclusion, cloud computing can provide significant cost savings for healthcare organizations by reducing the need for physical infrastructure and IT staff, improving the efficiency of care, and reducing the reliance on paper records. Many healthcare organizations have successfully implemented cloud computing and have seen significant cost savings.


About the author - Andra Bria

Andra Bria is a marketing manager at Medicai. She is interested in health equity, patient experience and value-driven care pathways. She believes in interoperability and collaboration for a more connected healthcare industry.